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File metadata and controls

44 lines (28 loc) · 2.41 KB

Geographic bounding box

Purpose: A geographic bounding box must be given and it should be as small as possible


Test method

This test case only applies to records with a hierarchyLevel value 'dataset' or 'series'.

Check if it's a valid geographic extend. It is described by 4 elements: westBoundLongitude, eastBoundLongitude, southBoundLatitude and northBoundLatitude. The test performs the following checks on them:

  • Is a correctly formatted westBoundLongitude given at gmd:westBoundLongitude/gco:Decimal.
  • Is the following constraint given: -180.00 ≤ westBoundLongitude ≤ 180.00
  • Is a correctly formatted eastBoundLongitude given at gmd:eastBoundLongitude/gco:Decimal.
  • Is the following constraint given: -180.00 ≤ eastBoundLongitude ≤ 180.00
  • Is a correctly formatted southBoundLongitude given at gmd:southBoundLongitude/gco:Decimal.
  • Is the following constraint given: -90.00 ≤ southBoundLatitude ≤ northBoundLatitude
  • Is a correctly formatted northBoundLongitude given at gmd:northBoundLongitude/gco:Decimal.
  • Is the following constraint given: southBoundLatitude ≤ northBoundLatitude ≤ 90.00;

The bounding box shall be expressed in decimal degree with a precision of at least 2 decimals.

The bounding box shall be as small as possible. This requires a manual check.


  • TG MD 2.5.1, Req 20, 21

Test type: Automated/Manual


The depencency to Hierarchy has not been implemented in the ETS as it still seems reasonable to test the available dataset (series) metadata records.

##Contextual XPath references

The namespace prefixes used as described in

Abbreviation XPath expression (relative to gmd:MD_Metadata)
extent gmd:identificationInfo[1]/*/gmd:extent/*/gmd:geographicElement/gmd:EX_GeographicBoundingBox
hierarchyLevel gmd:hierarchyLevel/gmd:MD_ScopeCode/@codeListValue