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File metadata and controls

34 lines (19 loc) · 1.87 KB


Purpose: If the type of the resource was dataset or series, exactly one explanation about the lineage of a dataset must be given


Test method

This test case only applies to records with a hierarchyLevel value 'dataset' or 'series'.

The test first checks if a valid lineage statement is given and it is not an empty characterstring. It then validates that exactly one lineage statement like the one above is given.


Test type: Automated


The depencency to Hierarchy has not been implemented in the ETS as it still seems reasonable to test the available dataset (series) metadata records.

The "Test method" requires to validate "that exactly one lineage statement like the one above is given" and talks about a "valid lineage statement". It is not clear if there are additional requirements on the value of a lineage statement, other than that it shall not be empty.

##Contextual XPath references

The namespace prefixes used as described in

Abbreviation XPath expression (relative to gmd:MD_Metadata)
hierarchyLevel gmd:hierarchyLevel/gmd:MD_ScopeCode/@codeListValue
statement gmd:dataQualityInfo/*/gmd:lineage/*/gmd:statement