: Public abstract <<FeatureType>> Class
Created: 7/7/2008 4:58:56 PM
Modified: 11/30/2011 11:22:21 AM
The class GFI_Feature (Figure 2) is an instance of the «metaclass» GF_FeatureType (ISO 19109). It represents the set of all classes which are feature types. <br /></p><p>NOTE GFI_Feature is implemented in GML (ISO 19136:2007) by the element gml:AbstractFeature and type gml:AbstractFeatureType. <br /></p><p>In an implementation this abstract class shall be substituted by a concrete class representing a feature type from an application schema associated with a domain of discourse (ISO 19109, ISO 19101). Sampling Features (Clause 8) are a class of feature-types whose role is primarily associated with observations. <br /></p>
Element Source Role Target Role
«featureType» ObservingCapability
Name: featureOfInterest
-- Definition -- This feature is the real-world object whose properties are under observation, or is a feature intended to sample the real-world object
«FeatureType» SF_SamplingFeature
Name: sampledFeature
A sampling feature is established in order to make observations concerning some domain feature. The association Intention shall link the SF_SamplingFeature to the feature which the sampling feature was designed to sample. The target of this association has the role sampledFeature with respect to the sampling feature, and is usually a real-world feature from an application domain (Figure 5; Figure 10). EXAMPLE A profile typically samples a water- or atmospheric-column; a well samples the water in an aquifer; a tissue specimen samples a part of an organism
A sampling feature is established in order to make observations concerning some domain feature. The association <i>Intention</i> shall link the SF_SamplingFeature to the feature which the sampling feature was designed to sample. The target of this association has the role <i>sampledFeature </i>with respect to the sampling feature, and is usually a real-world feature from an application domain (Figure 5; Figure 10). <br /></p><p>EXAMPLE A profile typically samples a water- or atmospheric-column; a well samples the water in an aquifer; a tissue specimen samples a part of an organismMultiple associations may be present, since a sampling feature may be used in the characterization of more than one domain feature. <br /></p><p>EXAMPLE A borehole may sample multiple geologic units. <br /></p>
«FeatureType» OM_Observation
Name: propertyValueProvider
Pointer to an observation that provides an estimate of a property value
Name: featureOfInterest
The association Domain shall link the OM_Observation to the GFI_Feature (B.2.1) that is the subject of the observation and carries the observed property. This feature has the role featureOfInterest with respect to the observation. This feature is the real-world object whose properties are under observation, or is a feature intended to sample the real-world object, as described in Clause 8 of this standard. An observation instance serves as a propertyValueProvider for its feature of interest.
The association <i>Domain</i><b> </b>shall link the OM_Observation to the GFI_Feature (B.2.1) that is the subject of the observation and carries the observed property. This feature has the role <i>featureOfInterest</i> with respect to the observation. This feature is the real-world object whose properties are under observation, or is a feature intended to sample the real-world object, as described in Clause 8 of this standard. An observation instance serves as a <i>propertyValueProvider</i> for its feature of interest.
Tag Value
byValuePropertyType false
Values: true | false
Default: false
Description: enforce the 'by value' property pattern without xlinks
isCollection false
Values: true | false
Default: false
Description: attribute group gml:AggregationAttributeGroup is added to the complex type of the feature type
noPropertyType false
Values: true | false
Default: false
Description: suppress automatic creation of *PropertyType complexType
xsdDerivation true
Values: true | false
Default: true
Description: class implemented as new type + element, or by applying constraints only
Object Type Connection Notes
«informative» GFI_DomainFeature Class Generalization  
«FeatureType» SF_SamplingFeature Class Generalization  
«metaclass» GF_FeatureType Class Dependency