W3C Schema for INSPIRE Change log INSPIRE schema release v.2024.2 - 31/07/2024 (https://github.com/INSPIRE-MIF/application-schemas/releases/tag/2024.2) Schema Change description Version Change type =============== =========================================================================================================================== ======= ==================================== [ge-core] Added missing nilReason property to the boreholeLength element v4.0.1 non-breaking change INSPIRE schema release v.2024.1.3 - 28/02/2024 (https://github.com/INSPIRE-MIF/application-schemas/releases/tag/2024.1.3) Schema Change description Version Change type =============== =========================================================================================================================== ======= ==================================== [lcn] Updated to version 5.0 and changed the imported BaseTypes schema v5.0 non-breaking change [net] Updated to version 5.0 and changed the imported BaseTypes schema v5.0 non-breaking change [lcv] Updated the version of the imported lcn schema (from 4.0 to 5.0) [tn] Updated the version of the imported net schema (from 4.0 to 5.0) [tn-ra] Updated the version of the imported net schema (from 4.0 to 5.0) [tn-ro] Updated the version of the imported net schema (from 4.0 to 5.0) [tn-w] Updated the version of the imported net schema (from 4.0 to 5.0) [us-govserv] Updated the version of the imported net schema (from 4.0 to 5.0) [us-net-common] Updated the version of the imported net schema (from 4.0 to 5.0) INSPIRE schema release v.2024.1.2 - 21/02/2024 (https://github.com/INSPIRE-MIF/application-schemas/releases/tag/2024.1.2) Schema Change description Version Change type =============== =========================================================================================================================== ======= ==================================== [hy] Updated to version 5.0 since the schema imports the hy-p schema that was updated to version 5 v5.0 non-breaking change Amendment 1089/2010 [us-xx] Fixed typos in some US schemas INSPIRE schema release v.2024.1.1 - 09/02/2024 (https://github.com/INSPIRE-MIF/application-schemas/releases/tag/2024.1.1) Schema Change description Version Change type =============== =========================================================================================================================== ======= ==================================== [us-govserv] Updated the version of the imported us-net-common schema (from 4.0 to 5.0) v5.0 breaking change Amendment 1089/2010 [us-net-el] Updated the version of the imported us-net-common schema (from 4.0 to 5.0) v5.0 breaking change Amendment 1089/2010 [us-net-ogc] Updated the version of the imported us-net-common schema (from 4.0 to 5.0) v5.0 breaking change Amendment 1089/2010 [us-net-sw] Updated the version of the imported us-net-common schema (from 4.0 to 5.0) v5.0 breaking change Amendment 1089/2010 [us-net-th] Updated the version of the imported us-net-common schema (from 4.0 to 5.0) v5.0 breaking change Amendment 1089/2010 [us-net-wa] Updated the version of the imported us-net-common schema (from 4.0 to 5.0) v5.0 breaking change Amendment 1089/2010 INSPIRE schema release v.2024.1 - 31/01/2024 (https://github.com/INSPIRE-MIF/application-schemas/releases/tag/2024.1) Schema Change description Version Change type =============== =========================================================================================================================== ======= ==================================== [hh] Added new attributes to the EnvHealthDeterminantMeasure feature type, added new feature types, and removed some data types. v5.0 breaking change Amendment 1089/2010 [ps] Fixed typo in inspireId, added a new attribute, and moved attributes to data type. v5.0 breaking change Amendment 1089/2010 Removed enumeration from the schema and changed the encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations [us-net-common] Defined datatype for the authorityRole attribute v5.0 breaking change Change encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations breaking change Amendment 1089/2010 [hyp] Changed the data type of the geometry attribute of the DrainageBasin feature type v5.0 non-breaking change Amendment 1089/2010 Removed enumeration from schema and changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations breaking change [lcv] Added association role to the LandCoverUnit feature type v5.0 breaking change Amendment 1089/2010 [tn-w] Removed the “abstract” stereotype for the TrafficSeparationScheme feature type v5.0 non-breaking change Removed enumerations from schema and changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations breaking change Amendment 1089/2010 [su-vector] Added a new attribute “statisticalUnitType” to the VectorStatisticalUnit feature type v4.1 non-breaking change Amendment 1089/2010 [plu] Fixed the typo in the attribute "backgroudMapURI" of the data type BackgroundMapValue v4.0.1 breaking change Amendment 1089/2010 [ef] Added a new attribute "thematicId" to the spatial object type AbstractMonitoringObject. v4.1 non-breaking change Amendment 1089/2010 [pf] Changed the definition of the ProductionInstallation feature type v4.1 non-breaking change Amendment 1089/2010 [tn-a] Changed the datatype for the "controlTowers" association of the AerodromeNode feature type v4.1 non-breaking change Amendment 1089/2010 [ad] Changed the datatype for the "building" association of the Address feature type v4.1 non-breaking change Amendment 1089/2010 [sr] Changed the stereotype of the ShoreSegment object from featureType to dataType v4.0.1 breaking change Amendment 1089/2010 Converted enumerations into codelists breaking change Amendment 1089/2010. Below are the involved schemas: BaseTypes.xsd Removed VerticalPositionValue enumeration from BaseTypes schema v4.0 HydroPhysicalWaters.xsd Removed enumeration from schema and changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations v5.0 UtilityNetworksCommon.xsd Changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations v5.0 ObservableProperties.xsd Removed enumeration from schema and changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations v4.0 AdministrativeUnits.xsd Removed enumeration from schema and changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations v5.0 MaritimeUnits.xsd Changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations v4.0 ElevationBaseTypes.xsd Removed enumeration from schema v5.0 ElevationGridCoverage.xsd Changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations v5.0 ElevationTin.xsd Changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations v5.0 ElevationVectorElements.xsd Removed enumeration from schema and changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations v5.0 NaturalRiskZonesCore.xsd Removed enumeration from schema and changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations v5.0 ProtectedSites.xsd Removed enumeration from schema and changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations v5.0 CommonTransportElements.xsd Removed enumeration from schema and changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations v5.0 RailwayTransportNetwork.xsd Removed enumerations from schema and changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations v5.0 RoadTransportNetwork.xsd Removed enumerations from schema and changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations v5.0 WaterTransportNetwork.xsd Removed enumerations from schema and changed encoding of the attributes that refer to enumerations v5.0 INSPIRE schema release v.2023.1 - 31/01/2023 (https://github.com/INSPIRE-MIF/application-schemas/releases/tag/2023.1) Schema Version Change description Change type ========== ======= ================================================================================================ ================================================== common v1.0.3 Updated common.xsd in order to add Norwegian and Icelandic language + non-breaking change - bugfix Added the related enum_nor.xsd and enum_ice.xsd schemas ge_hg v4.0.1 Added missing nillable attribute to some elements non-breaking change - bugfix INSPIRE schema release v.2022.2 - 01/08/2022 (https://github.com/INSPIRE-MIF/application-schemas/releases/tag/2022.2) Schema Version Change description Change type ========== ======= ================================================================================================ ================================================== PF v4.0.2 Added type to ‘type’ element in ProductionInstallation and ProductionInstallationPart breaking change - bugfix us-net-th v4.0.1 Added type to 'thermalProductType' element breaking change - bugfix inspire_vs v1.0.2 SLD capabilities schema import added to inspire_vs.xsd schema non-breaking change - bugfix EL v4.0.1 Set ‘endLifespanVersion’ multiplicity to [0..1] In ElevationGridCoverage, ElevationTIN and non-breaking change - bugfix ElevationVectorElements application schemas MR v4.0.1 Added type to ‘sourceReference ‘element breaking change - bugfix INSPIRE schema release v.2022.1 - 31/01/2022 (https://github.com/INSPIRE-MIF/application-schemas/releases/tag/2022.1) Schema Version Change description Change type ====== ======= ==================================================================================================== ================================================== common v1.0.2 Updated common.xsd in order to add Croatian language + Added a related enum_hrv.xsd non-breaking change - bugfix INSPIRE schema release v.2021.2 - 15/11/2021 (https://github.com/INSPIRE-MIF/application-schemas/releases/tag/2021.2) Schema Version Change description Change type ====== ======= ==================================================================================================== ================================================== PF v4.0.1 Added type and maxOccurs to riverBasinDistrict non-breaking change - bugfix US-emf v4.0.1 Added type to 'EnvironmentalManagementFacility' + missing parts in 'parentFacility' non-breaking change - bugfix SO v4.0.2 Added missing associations to OM_Observation + soilDerivedObjectObservation from 1 to [1..*] breaking change - bugfix + enhancement omso v3.0.1 Changed TimeLocationValueTriple type from wml2:TimeValuePair to wml2:MeasurementTVP breaking change - bugfix common v1.0.2 Corrected typo in the Dutch INSPIRE theme enumerations XSD breaking change - bugfix GE_gp v4.0.1 Added type and nilReason to the distributioninfo non-breaking change - bugfix Previous changes Date NS Ver. Description =========== =========== ====== ================================================================================================================================================================= 13-JUN-2012 inspire_dls 1.0.4 Renamed SpatialDataUniqueResourceIdentifier element to SpatialDataSetIdentifier. Added elements used in the Atom implementation and attributes used in the Opensearch. Changed service category in WFS20_Caps_Scenario2_long.xml 13-JUN-2012 inspire_dls 1.0.3 Added Unique Resource Identifier to atom top feed. Added SpatialDataUniqueResourceIdentifier to Extended Capabilities of WFS 2.0 04-MAY-2012 inspire_dls 1.0.0 Added inspire_dls folder for Download Services 26-APR-2011 common 1.0.1 Conformity element: Restricted allowed citations to "INSPIRE interoperability of spatial data sets and services", according to the MD regulation requirements for the conformity element (page 17 of the MD regulation). Inspire Themes: Removed leading blank from German, Bulgarian, Czech and Danish translations 22-MAR-2011 common 1.0.1 Wrong type in Romanian translation enumerations 17-MAR-2011 common 1.0.1 Changed alias inspire_com to inspire_common Conformity element: Added enumeration for citation of INSPIRE interoperability of spatial data sets and services 18-FEB-2011 common 1.0.0 Schema: changed encoding of language elements in extended capabilities 17-FEB-2011 common 1.0.0 Schema: introduced new namespaces http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/common/1.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/inspire_ds/1.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/inspire_vs/1.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/inspire_vs_ows11/1.0 refactored to comply with OGC recommendations for schema repositories 04-FEB-2011 common 0.20 Schema: Moved non xsd files to other locations Renamed codelists as enumerations 31-JAN-2011 common 0.19 Schema: Removed language dependent schema implementations. 14-JAN-2011 common 0.18 Schema: added types and elements for INSPIRE service types added one or more leading zeros in geoboxdigits. e.g. 02.22 Mappings: INSPIRE2HTML: Corrected Resource Locator to extract url from ResourceLocator.url 13-JAN-2011 common 0.16 Replaced xs:date and xs:dateTime with the new type iso8601Date which is a xs:string restricted through a regular expression that implements a subset of ISO 8601 YEAR MONTH DAY TIME FRACTIONAL SECONDS TIME ZONE Examples: 2010-01-01 2010-01-01T11:12:22 2010-01-01T11:12:22Z 2010-01-01T11:12:22+10:00:00 2010-01-01T11:12:22-10:00:00 2010-01-01T11:12:22.1234+10:00:00 2010-01-01T11:12:22.1234-10:00:00 Added jaxb processing instructions and namespace in all top schema files XSLT Mappings updated to 0.16 Added Microsoft language translator widget common 0.15 ResourceLocator: Changed Mediatype multiplicity from 1 to 0..n Mediatype constrained to enumeration values Verified all mappings common 0.14 Created schema files for all languages common 0.13 Added translations for all conformity citations all 0.12 Introduced extended capabilities for WMS, OWS, CSW Directory structure + readme.txt This file -- common -- 1.0 Version 1.0 -- common.xsd Top schema file for http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/common/1.0 -- network.xsd Definition of types for extended capabilities of OGC Services -- examples Sample documents -- inspireresourcemddataset.xml Sample dataset -- inspireresourcemdseries.xml Sample dataset series -- inspireresourcemdservice.xml Sample service -- enums Folder for translations of enumerations -- enum_bul.xsd Enumerations for Bulgarian language -- enum_....xsd Enumerations for ... language -- inspire_ds Root folder for schema documents for INSPIRE Discovery Service based on OGC CSW 2.0.2 -- 1.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/inspire_ds/1.0 -- inspire_ds.xsd Top schema file -- bindings.xjb JAXB Binding file -- examples Sample documents -- CSW_INSPIREGeoportalCapabilities_InspireSchema_nocsw.xml -- inspire_vs Root folder for schema documents for INSPIRE View Service based on ISO 19128 (OGC WMS 1.3) http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/inspire_vs -- 1.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/inspire_vs/1.0 -- inspire_vs.xsd All-components schema file -- examples Sample documents -- wms_geoimage.xml -- WMS_Image2000GetCapabilities_InspireSchema.xml -- inspire_vs_ows11 Root folder for schema documents for INSPIRE View Service based on OGC OWS 1.1 like WMTS 1.0 -- 1.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/inspire_vs_ows11/1.0 -- inspire_vs_ows_11.xsd All-components schema file -- examples Sample documents -- WMTS_CapsMarek.xml -- inspire_dls Root folder for schema documents for INSPIRE Download Service based on OGC OWS 1.1 like WFS 2.0 and for datatypes used in Atom and OpenSearch extension elements -- 1.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/inspire_vs_ows11/1.0 -- inspire_vs_ows_11.xsd All-components schema file -- bindings.xjb JAXB binding file -- examples Sample documents -- WFS20_Caps_Scenario1_brief.xml Example of WFS 2.0 with INSPIRE Extended Capabilities Scenario 1 (brief) -- WFS20_Caps_Scenario2_long.xml Example of WFS 2.0 with INSPIRE Extended Capabilities Scenario 2 (long)