: Public <<featureType>> Class
Created: 3/9/2011 8:56:33 AM
Modified: 12/4/2012 11:52:45 AM
-- Name --<br /></p><p>soil derived object<br /></p><p><br /></p><p>-- Definition --<br /></p><p>A spatial object type for representing spatial objects with soil-related property derived from one or more soil and possibly other non soil properties.<br /></p><p><br /></p><p>-- Description --<br /></p><p>NOTE Soil thematic maps can be derived directly from the involved soil database (organic matter content, pH, texture, etc.) or they can be derived by using pedotransfer functions or pedotransfer rules (e.g. plant available water in the rooting depth). Derivation can be simple extraction from a single data field, or a complex combination of different kind of data and application of e.g. mathematical or expert knowledge-based procedures.<br /></p>
Element Source Role Target Role
«featureType» SoilDerivedObject
Name: isBasedOnSoilDerivedObject
-- Definition -- Link to a soil derived object on whose properties the derived value is based. -- Description -- A soil derived object can be created based on the properties of one or more other soil derived objects. If this information shall not be included or does not apply, the association can be empty.
«featureType» ObservedSoilProfile
Name: isBasedOnObservedSoilProfile
-- Definition -- Link to an observed soil profile on whose properties the derived value is based. -- Description -- A soil derived object can be created based on the soil properties of one or more observed soil profiles. If this information shall not be included or does not apply, the association can be empty.
«featureType» SoilBody
Name: isBasedOnSoilBody
-- Definition -- Link to a soil body on whose properties the derived value is based. -- Description -- A soil derived object can be created based on the soil properties of one or more soil bodies. If this information shall not be included or does not apply, the association can be empty.
«FeatureType» OM_Observation
Name: soilDerivedObjectObservation
-- Name -- soil derived object observation -- Definition -- Observation of a soil property for characterizing the soil derived object.
Element Source Role Target Role
«featureType» SoilDerivedObject
Name: isBasedOnSoilDerivedObject
-- Definition -- Link to a soil derived object on whose properties the derived value is based. -- Description -- A soil derived object can be created based on the properties of one or more other soil derived objects. If this information shall not be included or does not apply, the association can be empty.
Tag Value
byValuePropertyType false
Values: false
Default: false
Description: Create a property type that requires that the instance is encoded inline (applies to ISO 19136:2007 encoding rule). Always set to false in INSPIRE.
gmlMixin false
Values: true | false
Default: false
Description: Identifies the feature type as a mixin type that will not be encoded as a separate element/type in the GML encoding.
inspireConcept FIXME
Default: FIXME
Description: URN reference to the feature concept in the INSPIRE Feature Concept Dictionary Register
isCollection false
Values: true | false
Default: false
Description: Identifies the feature type as a feature collection.
noPropertyType false
Values: false
Default: false
Description: Surpress creation of a standard property type that supports inline or by-reference encoding (applies to ISO 19136:2007 encoding rule). Always set to false in INSPIRE.
xsdEncodingRule iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions
Values: iso19136_2007 | iso19139_2007 | iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions
Default: iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions
Description: XML Schema encoding rule to apply
Constraint Type Status
code list for parameter of soil derived objects Invariant Approved
/*The observedProperty of the soil derived object observation shall be specified using a value from the SoilDerivedObjectParameterNameValue code list.*/<br /></p><p>inv: self.soilDerivedObjectParameter.observedProperty->oclIsKindOf(SoilDerivedObjectParameterNameValue)<br /></p>
FoI of Soil derived object observations Invariant Approved
/*To fill the featureOfInterest property of the soil derived object observation, the same SoilDerivedObject object shall be used.*/<br /></p><p>inv: self.soilDerivedObjectObservation.featureOfInterest = self<br /></p>
results of soil derived object observations OCL Approved
/*The result of the soil derived object observation shall be of type Number, CharacterString or RangeType.*/<br /></p><p>inv: self.soilDerivedObjectObservation.result->oclIsKindOf(Number) or self.soilDerivedObjectObservation.result->oclIsKindOf(CharacterString) or self.soilDerivedObjectObservation.result->oclIsKindOf(RangeType)<br /></p>