About INSPIRE registry
The INSPIRE Registry provides a unique access point to several centrally managed registers used in the scope of the INSPIRE Directive. The platform supports data providers, solution providers, and INSPIRE national coordinators in searching for concepts and finding their corresponding reference codes.
The INSPIRE Registry content is managed through a transparent governance workflow, which includes how to handle change proposals. In case you are willing to report any issue related to the content or suggest any improvement, please contact your national Submitting Organisation. Read more on the INSPIRE Registry workflow at the INSPIRE Registry helpdesk
The INSPIRE Registry is powered by the Re3gistry software. The Re3gistry is a reusable open-source solution for managing and sharing 'reference codes' through persistent URIs, ensuring concepts are correctly defined, labelled and referenced in any domain.

The development of the Re3gistry began in 2013 funded under the Are3na action (ISA Programme), continuing since 2016 under the ELISE action (ISA2 Programme). Starting 2022, the Digital Europe Programme became the instrument for funding its development.
Find more information on the Re3gistry on Joinup and get the latest code from the Re3gistry Github's development space.